Dr Elliott-Sale completed her undergraduate degree and PhD at Liverpool John Moores University. She worked as a Lecturer at two university before undertaking a four-year Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at Kings College London. Dr Elliott-Sale joined NTU in September 2009 as a Senior Lecturer on a part-time basis; since then she has been promoted to Associate Professor and now works full-time, both in Sport Science and as Postgraduate Research Tutor.
Dr Elliott-Sale is the Head of the Musculoskeletal Physiology Research Group and the Postgraduate Research Tutor for the School of Science and Technology. She teaches mainly in the areas of Exercise Physiology and particularly in Female Physiology, Performance, and Health. She has more than 20 years of experience working predominately with females, particularly with elite female athletes and maternal populations. Dr Elliott-Sale has an international reputation in female endocrinology and musculoskeletal physiology, as well as expertise in exercise physiology with specific regards to the design and implementation of exercise-based interventions.
Interest in the following research areas:
- The effects of menstrual cycle phase an oral contraceptives on athletic performance
- Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport and the Female Athlete Triad
- Maternal Obesity: exercise and nutrition-based interventions for weight management during and following pregnancy
- Musculoskeletal Health and Metabolism: the bone metabolic responses to strenuous exercise and feeding