This course is only available in French.
Required attendance. A replay will be available for a short period if necessary.
Cancer currently affects over 50% of the general population. Despite the many medical advances of recent years, the surgery and adjuvant treatments often required to treat different types of cancer are not without consequences. Lymphoedema is one of the major consequences, and one that remains largely unknown to the general public.
This online live course, entirely based on the latest evidence, will give you a better understanding of lymphedema and the importance of detecting and treating it early.
First, the anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic system will be covered, to better understand its importance in the proper functioning of our circulatory and immune systems. This will be followed by a definition of lymphedema, its classification into stages, early and late clinical signs and predisposing factors. This will be followed by an assessment of the condition and possible treatments for lymphedema secondary to cancer.
Too many healthcare professionals still believe that complex or combined decongestive therapy (CDT), including the famous manual lymph drainage, is the therapy of choice for lymphedema secondary to cancer. However, manual lymph drainage has been scientifically shown to be ineffective, and is therefore not necessary for the management of lymphedema. Too few healthcare professionals have the knowledge required to assess and detect lymphedema secondary to cancer at an early stage, so that treatment can be started promptly without the need for complex multilayer bandage therapy.
The ultimate aim of this training is to enable more users with incipient lymphedema to be properly assessed and advised on the early treatment of their lymphedema, in order to avoid its progression and the significant sequelae that can ensue.
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