You may not realize it, but the cells that make up your body are only about 10% human. The rest of the cells of your body are composed of microorganisms who are continually interacting with your human cells to either keep you vibrant and healthy or sluggish and sickly. The microbiome of the human body is the ecosystem for numerous species of microorganisms. Bacteria, fungi, archaea, viruses, and other microorganisms are what make up the microbiome that covers the inside and outside of your body. These microorganisms serve different purposes but they all work together and with your body to help you operate in the most efficient manner possible.
The microbiome is responsible for aiding in multiple metabolic processes, increasing immunity to a variety of diseases, and has a critical impact on the interaction between your organs. When there is a disruption in the balance between “good” and “bad” microbes or certain microbes are dislocated into inappropriate parts of the body, this is when the disease is given the opportunity to occur.
The perinatal care period is a very important time for the microbiome as there are many factors that modulate the development and function of this ecosystem spanning prenatal, intrapartum and postpartum phases. So, what you do when you are pregnant, birth your baby and engage with your baby in the postpartum period matters. Our understanding of the microbiome and how to minimize disruption to this important health-driving ecosystem has proliferated in the last decade.
All relevant care providers are called to better understand the microbiome and their implications are common practices through the perinatal period, some of which are beneficial and some of which have negative implications for the microbiome.
Interesting! Thank you!