Beverly Cusick begins this program with an explanation of the controversy over the issue of W-sitting and the related state of evidence to support both sides of the issue. Bringing the sciences of full-term neonatal posture and bone geometry to the discussion, she relates the typical hip neonatal and knee joint alignments to typical strategies used to acquire the ring-sitting position.
Beverly will then discuss the pathomechanics and pathokinesiology inherent in habitual and prolonged W-Sitting with legs and feet in lateral rotation, i.e. W-Sit-LR. She will discuss the physiologic adaptation of soft tissues, bones, and joints to routine use, and the condition known as “miserable malalignment syndrome.”
The presentation targets children with potential orthopedic issues and ligament laxity although the principles pertain to children with cerebral palsy.
Beverly concludes with an extensive list of ideas for researchers.
I know more about the W position, based on science.
very comprehensive discussion!
beautiful, accessible content, interesting bone model, great theory and practicality included!
Very interesting!
Clear and concise explanations. Good visuals 🙂