The menstrual cycle is an important biological rhythm, whereby large cyclic fluctuations in endogenous sex hormones, such as oestrogen and progesterone, are observed. The fairly predictable (and measurable) fluctuations in oestrogen and progesterone across the menstrual cycle create significantly different transient hormonal profiles, which are used to differentiate between menstrual cycle phases. As such, the menstrual cycle is commonly divided into three phases, (1) the early follicular phase, characterised by low oestrogen and progesterone, (2) the ovulatory phase, characterised by high oestrogen and low progesterone, and (3) the mid-luteal phase, characterised by high oestrogen and progesterone. Although the primary function of these hormones is to support reproduction, research has highlighted that the changing concentrations of oestrogen and progesterone across the menstrual cycle, also exert a myriad of diverse and complex effects on multiple physiological systems, including cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic and neuromuscular parameters, which could have subsequent implications for exercise performance. [Source McNuty, Elliott-Sale et al., 2020]
Very relevant!
Very interesting webinar, thank you very much!