How do you overcome your clients’ psychological barriers?
With problem-based learning and case studies, the training aims to equip health care professionals to better intervene on the psychological barriers specific to each individual.
Example: A person with a heart condition could start avoiding physical activity. Wondering why? With this course, you will be able to ask the RIGHT questions to understand why your client is avoiding training. In this case, for example, the client was afraid to have another heart attack!
You will be able to unblock your client’s resistance to your recommendations and exercises in order to promote your client’s adherence to treatment/exercise plan. A client who feels listened to and understood always comes back.
Another example: You ask your client “Did you do your exercises this week?” If his answer is no, how you know full well that his exercises will help him? You ask yourself “Why doesn’t he do them?” At this point, your role is to help your client increase his motivation. How do you do that?
How do you motivate clients? You need to understand the quality of motivation (not the quantity). To understand why the client gets active, makes a move, trains, or follows your recommendations. This is what you will learn during this training.
To increase your client’s adherence to your treatment plan, you need to understand your client’s needs: AUTONOMY, COMPETENCE, AND FEELING OF BELONGING. It is necessary to focus on what the person likes, what he or she was good at before or right now.
For example, where does the feeling of incompetence come from? Have you ever demonstrated a push-up exercise on your feet in front of a client who has never done a push-up (even though you are extremely good at it)? How will he feel when he tries the exercise? Do you think this is the RIGHT way to demonstrate this exercise? Do you think he will do it?
When the human brain does the same thing three times in a row with three failures in a row, the brain sends a message: “I can’t do it”, “It’s too difficult for me”, or “I’m no good”. These thoughts are all associated with feelings of incompetence. Jean-Michel will give you strategies to counteract these thoughts.
You have to ask the right questions: “Are you comfortable with this or with that?” “Is this the way you feel?”
Motivate your clients = Increase adherence to the treatment plan = Be a better health care professional
- Understanding motivation according to the theory of self-determined motivation theory.
- Increase effectiveness of interventions aimed at adopting health behaviour (e.g., exercise, better nutrition, etc.)
- Identify the real barriers behind resistant behaviours to treatment or follow-up.