
Gender Affirming Care for Pelvic Health Physiotherapists


Soins d'affirmation de genre destinés aux professionnels en santé pelvienne

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In the last few years there has been a groundswell of recognition for the desperate need for culturally aware and affirming care of the LGBTQIA+ community. However, with so many different folks falling under the same umbrella, it can be difficult and at times overwhelming to dive in and understand it all. After taking course #1 which gives history, background, and provides introductory terminology to communicate with and about this population, you now have the skills to examine more detailed clinical aspects.

There are myriad identities in the LGTBQIA+ population, but this course is specifically for those wishing to have more confidence and understanding with providing care as it relates to medical and surgical transition. Not all trans people choose to undergo this process, but for those who do there are many routes to take. As the research continues to expand and provide us with more insight from which to provide treatment recommendations, clinical care is rapidly changing.

How can you wield your skillset to help a patient preparing for masculinizing top surgery? How would a pelvic floor internal assessment be similar or different for someone with a neovagina compared to a patient with a natal vagina? What are the considerations for tissue healing after phalloplasty? These questions and more will be answered in this course and all done in a safe environment where you are not only free, but encouraged to ask questions you may be afraid to ask in other situations. Come learn about providing affirming care from therapists who are part of the LGTBQIA+ community themselves and have the unique combination of lived experience and clinical expertise to help you!


  1. Understand the variety of medical transition options and paths for transgender patients
  2. Communicate effectively and confidently with patients and other medical providers regarding transition-related treatments
  3. Utilize your knowledge regarding clinical implications of both masculinizing and feminizing hormonal transition to provide better care for your patients
  4. Answer questions regarding common misconceptions of puberty blockers
  5. Reframe your understanding of pregnancy and fertility in the trans community
  6. Familiarize yourself with the array of surgeries available for transition including: penile inversion vaginoplasty, peritoneal pull through vaginoplasty, colovaginoplasty, phalloplasty, metoidioplasty, scrotoplasty, and more
  7. Recognize that non-binary transition may also be a desire for patients
  8. Provide pre-operative care to trans patients to help optimize their success with surgery
  9. Provide post-operative care for trans patients to help facilitate healing, reduce pain, and enhance use of their new anatomy!


Yes, it is possible to extend access to your courses through our Bia membership. This membership allows you, among other benefits, to enjoy extended access to the courses beyond the initial 6 months.

For the majority of the course, you can access the French subtitles by clicking on “cc” in the video window at the bottom right. You can then select the language of your choice and leave them on or off. The handout are also available in French by clicking on “ressources” when you’re on the main course page from your dashboard. You can also select the site language of your choice at the top of the page (En/Fr).

For a demonstration, click here!

You will receive a notification email as soon as the pre-sale course is added to your account. This will mark the beginning of your 6-month access period.

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To complete your course after the 6-month access period, we invite you to become a member of the Bia membership and take the time you need. You can purchase the membership according to the payment period of your choice:

  • Monthly (with a 14-day free trial)
  • Annual (15% discount)

Access to each course is valid for 6 months from the moment the course is added to your account.

Courses are available within 24 business hours, except for pre-sale courses. For pre-sale courses, you will receive an email when they become available.

Course reference documents such as handout or optional articles are located in the “Resources” section, next to the image of your course. For mandatory documents, you’ll find them in the relevant lessons, in the “resources” section.

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