Each health professional who is a member of a college or association must complete continuing education units (CEU) annually. Here is some information about kinesiologists, physiotherapists and physiotherapy technologists.
Kinesiologist, FKQ
All accredited members of the Fédération des Kinésiologues du Québec (FKQ) must accumulate 30 credits of recognized continuing education every two years from the year of their accreditation. These credits can be obtained from continuing education offered by the FKQ and/or other organizations recognized by the FKQ. In order to facilitate your task of analyzing the credits granted to your course, the FKQ Continuing Education Committee gives you access to an equivalency grid.
For each* of your courses at Bia education, you will receive a certificate of participation confirming the number of hours of course received.
*Excluding course not accessible to kinesiologists, this exclusion will be mentioned in the course description.
Kinesiologist-kinesitherapist, A.K.K.O.M.Q.
All members of the A.K.K.O.M.Q. must accumulate continuing education units. The association intends to ensure the safety and quality of kinesiology and kinesiology-kinesitherapy interventions, by requiring its members to maintain and improve their knowledge through the many continuing education courses offered annually, and to put their skills into practice while respecting the code of ethics. Credits can be obtained from continuing education offered by the FKQ and/or other organizations recognized by the FKQ.
For each* of your courses at Bia education, you will receive a certificate of participation confirming the number of hours of course received.
*Excluding course not accessible to kinesitherapists, this exclusion will be mentioned in the course description.
Physiotherapist and physiotherapy technologist, OPPQ
In the case of physiotherapists, each member must have a minimum of 45 hours of continuing education units (CEU) during the reference period, which is three years. Of these 45 hours, at least 30 hours must be accumulated in formal learning activities. The remaining continuing education hours can be accumulated in autonomous, formal learning activities or in a combination of both categories.
A CEU is equivalent to one hour of course, which is the actual time spent by the member to acquire or update his or her knowledge or skills. In the context of a formal activity, the member is in a learning situation when acting as a participant. Time spent on breaks, meals or any other activity without academic content should therefore be subtracted from the calculation of CEUs.
A formal learning activity is defined as an activity designed and delivered by experts in the subject matter and with a predetermined structure, content, objectives and duration. All the course offered by Bia education are therefore likely to be considered as a formal learning activity. During your course at Bia education, you will receive a certificate attesting to the number of hours of continuous education granted to the event.
Then, it is the physiotherapist’s role to define whether the suggested training theme is related to his or her practice and will allow him or her to optimize his or her professional competence.
Write to us at info@bia-education.com for more information.
Very interesting for clinical practice, especially for our chronic cases.
Good scientific update. Provides a better understanding of nociceptive and nociplastic.
Very well explained. Course notes well detailed and complete.
Very interesting. Thank you
Interesting evidence update. Thanks